Our hunting agency deals with the organization of hunting mainly in the north-west of Poland. These are the areas most rich in wild animals. For many years, the acquisition of wild animals in this area has exceeded many times other areas of Poland (statistical data are available on the website of the Polish Hunting Association). We cooperate with the best hunting grounds in this area. These are hunting clubs where well over a thousand animals are shot annually.
We organize all possible types of hunting. In May, we prepare hunting for roe bucks. It is a very popular animal in Polish forests. Roe deer is very numerous, so shooting even a few bucks at one outind is nothing special. The second period of hunting for male of roe deer is the rut time. This time falls on the turn of July and August. During this time, old males come out of hiding and look for females. This is a good time for those hunters, who dream of big trophies. A meeting with a medal-buck is very likely.
Red stags hunting enthusiasts should come to Poland in September. This is when the rut time season begins. Old, strong stags fight many fights with each other. They compete to see who will be the leader and get the harem of females. Rutting place is a wonderful mystery of nature. We recommend October for those willing to hunt for fallow deer. This is the time of the rut time for these animals.
In addition to individual hunting, we also organize driven hunts. These are mainly wild boar hunts. Our agency specializes in this type of hunting. We work with professional dog handlers who have dogs trained for driven hunts for wild boars. Hunting with professional dogs is always perfect. In addition to wild boars, during driven hunt in Poland, you can also shoot red deer, fallow deer, roe deer, foxes and other small predators.
Wszyscy myśliwi odwiedzający Polskę bez wątpienia powinni zobaczyć Karków – dawną stolicę Polski. Pośród licznych zabytków tego miasta warto wymienić chociażby: Wawel – dawną siedzibę królów Polski; Sukiennice – handlowy budynek w centrum zabytkowego rynku; kościół Mariacki ze wspaniałym ołtarzem Wita Stwosza; Collegium Maius – najstarszy uniwersytet w Polsce; Rynek Główny; Barbakan i wiele, wiele innych. Dla osób mających więcej czasu polecamy rejs po Wiśle i zwiedzanie miasta od strony wody